Driving and drinking a lethal combination. People always say if your going to drink don't get behind the wheel, but the rate at which people ignore this rule is alarming. I suppose it has to do with the fact that people don't have a full grasp of how much they actually consume, and tell themselves oh it's alright i can have 2 drinks, my weight will compensate for the alcohol content and then i'll line my stomach, so everything will be just dandy. Who's kidding who? One drink becomes two, two becomes three, and then the wheels get a rolling. The dangers that accompany driving intoxicated are endless, but people seem to ignore the severity of what can actually happen. An example is the story of Katie Flynn and Stanley Rabinowitz. This video shows actual footage from the tragedy and chronicles Stan & Katie's final day. He was a loving husband and father, and she was an extroverted 7-year-old flower girl in an ivory party dress with a pink sash the color of the rose petals she tossed on the beach the day her aunt was married, a day that ended with his instant death and her decapitation, in the grisly crash that the police say was caused by drunken driver Martin Heidgen in a pickup truck.
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